
Legal Power protect licensed products

  • Providing Licensing Business Information

    Registration information for Brands, Trademarks, Copyrights to Property holders
    with Contract information.

    Registration info.
    before entering into Contracts

    SMC always check the registration status for trademarks and copyrights
    for potential clients.

    Trademark and copyright registration

    SMC provides service for registering trademarks and copyrights
    at our own expenses.

    SMC asks legal POA and country of origin for the registration under the name of property holders.

    Periodic investigation against pirate items

    Gray market and illegal market monitoring with partner patent lawyer
    and taking legal action against illegal users.

    More than 500 cease and desist letters sent a year.

    Legal action

    Legal actions against pirate products.
    Protection from licensees’ quality products from illegal users
    and unfair competition prevention.

  • Licensing
    세계의 문화와 생각을 공유하는 '힘', SMC가 함께합니다.
  • 라이선싱